
Galatians 4, No Longer Slaves

ReGina Johnston, Jina McAfee, Kyli Rose Season 5 Episode 4
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00:00 | 49:19

Today we are in Chapter 4 of Galatians and our focus is, No Longer Slaves.  God's plan for us has always been Sons & Daughters, Created in His Image with Purpose.  The Plan was interrupted by sin and everything went awry.  But Jesus Came and now we have a choice.  We no longer have to live enslaved to this world's systems or to the law or to idols.  We can live free as we choose not to love the world.  We can live free as we recognize what might be at work from within to enslave us, whether it be pride, fear, greed/comparison, unforgiveness, living beyond our means, or a wrong view of God.  We can choose to. live empowered by the Spirit and walk in freedom.