
The Revelation of Jesus

August 01, 2022 ReGina Johnston, Jina McAfee, Kyli Rose Season 3 Episode 3

The most important truth about the book of Revelation is this,  It belongs to Jesus Christ in the sense that He is the one doing the revealing and He is the person revealed.  There is a lot to see in the book of Revelation and it matters. There are symbols, dates, the things that we don’t fully understand that scholars have studied for years- it matter, otherwise it wouldn’t be in recorded for us, but let’s not miss the forest for the trees. We’re on a divine hunt for Jesus.

*If we walk away from study gripped in fear- we’ve missed Him. 
*If we walk away from this study compelled to stockpile food and clutch our pearls a little tighter because the end is near- we’ve missed Him  
*If we walk away from the study of Revelation and lock our doors and hole up in the 4 walls of our churches while the world around us is desperately crying out for answers- we’ve missed Him.

This book is about the Revelation of Jesus.  Don't miss Him.